Thursday, May 13, 2021

Jefferson State Jalopies Are A Part Of The Roster At Siskiyou Golden Speedway

Jefferson State Jalopies Are A Part Of The Roster 
At Siskiyou Golden Speedway
The #2 Jalopy of JJ Smith and the #1xx Jalopy of Marilyn Yawnick.
Yreka, CA...What better way to honor the proposed 51st State of Jefferson than to create a new division of race car and name it after the state. This is exactly what JJ Smith and Karl Bernstein did. Both guys are a part of the racing community at Siskiyou Golden Speedway, and Karl raced Stock Cars there in the past. The duo looked around at the roster and decided the track needed something else.

This is where the Jefferson State Jalopies come in. The duo aren't working with a huge budget, and it takes a bit of time to build one of these cars right. They take old truck frames and build cages for them. What they have come up with is sort of a throwback division. They've been compared to the old Modifieds of the past. They kind of remind me of a bigger version of a Dwarf Car. One thing is for sure, they are a unique class.

The bare bones of a Jefferson State Jalopy.
The idea behind these cars is to create something that won't break the bank. In the old days, people were building cars from the chassis up in their garage. We've shifted these days to people getting their chassis and cars built and delivered to them, but there are still people who remember the craft of building a race car. Since Smith and Bernstein are starting the class themselves, they wanted to do something that wouldn't be too expensive. Within reasonable budget, a racer can build one of these four cylinder cars and join the fun in Yreka.

So far, it's Smith and Bernstein guiding the class, and it's been a process that began several years back. They've been numbering them as they build them, so the very first car was #1XX. It received a yellow paint job with the seal of The Great State of Jefferson on it. This car has been driven mainly by three-time Yreka Mini Stock champion Marilyn Yawnick. Marilyn has taken a liking to these cars and enjoys those nights when she can race both a Mini Stock and a Jalopy.
The #3 Jalopy of Karl Bernstein.
The second car got the #2 and a blue paint job. JJ Smith has taken the driving duties of this car. The red #3 was the next to be built, and frequently Karl Bernstein has been the one driving it. The #4 car came next. It's being piloted by various different drivers throughout the season, but Smith and Bernstein haven't stopped there. They've been constructing a fifth car, which recently had the body mounted on it. It should see the race track soon. We haven't heard, but it wouldn't be a surprise if Smith and Bernstein already have their next truck frame to begin building the sixth car.

Beginning in 2018, it was decided that these four cars needed to see the track. Two of the cars were put on display at the Sportsman Expo at the Fairgrounds in March of that year, and they managed to have a couple of exhibition races later that year. When Kevin Barba came in as the Promoter, he decided to not only run these cars, but he also decided to run them for championship points. As with the other divisions, these drivers are competing for trophies and points, but occasionally money as well.

It's not really about racing for points with this class, but the importance of points isn't insignificant. What it's doing is establishing that the Jefferson State Jalopies have a place on the roster at Siskiyou Golden Speedway. Even with four cars, the idea is to give the fans more of a show than they would have gotten without the involvement of the Jalopies. Smith and Bernstein take care to make sure that every one of these cars is ready to go on race night. The emergence of the fifth car means that they will have more work to do.

This can also present a problem as occasionally Smith will discover an issue with a car a day before the next scheduled race. These guys are all about trying to deliver the best Jalopy show possible, so they haven't let a mechanical issue prevent them from bringing four cars to the track yet. The other thing about the Jefferson State Jalopies is they honor the past. They honor the great history of Siskiyou Golden Speedway.

The #1xx Jalopy pays tribute to Yreka races who are no longer with us.
The number #1XX Jefferson State Jalopy was painted by another past racer from the track, Jeff Skalisky Painting. If you look at the back, you're going to see the names of people who competed at the track and their car numbers. They have all passed away, but they are not forgotten. This includes such noteworthy competitors as John Arnberg #38, Chuck Beasley #44, Bo Hittson #12, Cliff McGilvary #41 and Ben Foster #71. Smith and Bernstein are not only proud to be living in the proposed 51st State of Jefferson, they are also proud of the race track in what would be the State's capital in Yreka.

Marilyn Yawnick proudly staked her claim on the 2019 Jalopy championship. The track managed to have a point battle during the pandemic of last year. Smith ended up beating Yawnick by just four points and Bernstein by eight. Smith won three of those races, and Karl Bernstein managed to get his first win at one of the post season races. Yawnick has won a few races along the way as well.

The good news is the Jefferson State Jalopies will continue to be at Siskiyou Golden Speedway. Smith won the season opener and seems to have hit his stride. More good news is that we might even be seeing the fifth car at the next race, which is currently booked for June 19th. There's nothing like a bit of good old fashioned Jefferson State Jalopy fun at Siskiyou Golden Speedway. To keep up with what's happening at the track, go to